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Department of Drama, College of Arts and Science

Drama >

DRAMA 210.3
Technical Theatre: Costume Construction
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 110 or 113 and permission of the department.

A study of the craft and art of the theatre costumer. Emphasizes the practical and aesthetic aspects of producing costumes for the stage. There is a requirement of 50 hours production work beyond the regular class and lab hours. Students should avoid taking any evening classes because of the demands of evening production set-up and rehearsals.

DRAMA 213.3
Technical Theatre: Stage Management
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 110 or 113 and permission of the department.

Introduction to the fundamentals of the craft and art of stage lighting, sound production, and theatre stage management. There is a requirement of a minimum of 50 hours production work beyond the regular class and lab hours. Students should avoid taking any evening classes because of the demands of evening production set-up and rehearsals.

DRAMA 216.3
Acting 3
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 117.

The exploration of character in acting.

DRAMA 217.3
Acting 4
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 216.

Exploration of character development as affected by the creative relationship between actors in rehearsal and performance.

DRAMA 220.3
Introduction to Theatre Design 1
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 110, 113 and permission of the department.

Introduction to the technical and aesthetic skills and methods required of the theatre designer. Special consideration will be given to the development of skills required to communicate with fellow theatre practitioners, directors, designers and technicians in the visual medium.

DRAMA 221.3
Introduction to Theatre Design 2
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 220, and permission of the department.

An exploration of the role of the theatre designer in the areas of setting, costumes and lighting. Special consideration will be given to the development of skills required to communicate with fellow theatre practitioners, directors, designers and technicians in the visual medium. An application of the technical skills learned in DRAMA 220.

DRAMA 234.2
Basic Theatre Voice and Speech
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 116 and DRAMA 117.

Development of the student's physical awareness of the vocal process through exercises in relaxation, body alignment, support of tone and resonance. The voice as a communicative instrument and the beginning of its technical control through the speaking of prose and poetry. Emphasis on freeing the vocal apparatus of tension.

DRAMA 235.2
Basic Movement
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 117.

An introduction to the various areas of movement training upon which a performer's physical skills are founded.

DRAMA 236.3
Stage Combat
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 116.

The principles and techniques used to successfully achieve the illusion of physical violence for the stage. Actor safety, effective blocking, believable energy transfer and the analysis of physical motion during conflict will be examined.

DRAMA 303.3
Advanced Studies in Theatre History 1
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 203.3 or permission of the Department.

Intended for students who have acquired some background in the theatre from 600 B.C. to 1850. The course will involve more intensive study of the aesthetic, literary and production/performance aspects of the theatre of the past, integrating theoretical and practical approaches to the material.

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