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Department of Geography, College of Arts and Science

Geography >

GEOG 205.3
Regional Geography of Latin America
Prerequisite(s): 3 credit units of geography.

A picture of the land, climates, peoples, politics, and economies of Latin America in terms of mappable regions of similarity.

GEOG 207.3
Geography of Pacific Asia
Prerequisite(s): 3 credit units in geography.

A systematic study of the geographical settings of Pacific Asia; analysis of the physical characteristics, population and spatial economy; and examination of selected countries and regions.

GEOG 208.3 (Formerly 281)
World Regional Development
Prerequisite(s): 3 credit units in social science or permission of the department.

The regions of the world face a series of development problems. These problems are examined in terms of development theory and their spatial consequence. Their implications for global, national and regional planning are discussed.

GEOG 210.3
Environmental Study in Physical Geography
Prerequisite(s): 3 credit units in introductory natural sciences.

An overview of environmental study using physical geography as an integrative discipline. Includes assessment of human-environment interrelationships from the perspective of our current understanding of how Earth systems function.

Note: May be taken concurrently with upper level geography courses with permission of the department.

GEOG 215.3
Human Geography and Global Change
Prerequisite(s): 3 credit units in a social science.

A systematic examination of the interrelationships between geography and global change. Geographic concepts and perspectives are used to better understand the rapidly changing economic, political, social, demographic and environmental processes in the world as it enters the 21st century.

Note: May be taken concurrently with upper-level geography courses with permission of the department.

GEOG 219.3 (Formerly 263)
Introduction to Business Geography
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 113 or 114 or 215.

An introduction to a geographic perspective on businesses and the economy. Provides a broad overview of all sectors of the economy in addition to a focus on theories and methods in manufacturing location. Introduces the student to computer applications in location planning.

GEOG 222.3
Introduction to Technical Geography
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units of geography.

Introduction to the skills for reading maps, air photos and satellite images is provided, along with introduction to computer-based cartography, image analysis and enhancement, and geographic information systems (GIS).

GEOG 225.3
Hydrology of Canada
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 111 or 210 or GEOL 243 and 246.

The geographic distribution of hydrologic processes in Canada is outlined. The types of processes and their rates of operation are related to regional physical environments.

GEOG 233.3
Introduction to Weather and Climate
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 111 or 210 or GEOL 206.

An examination of the elements of weather and climate including the composition and thermal structure of the atmosphere; radiation and energy balances; global circulation; air masses; fronts and atmospheric disturbances; and climates of the world.

GEOG 235.3
Principles of Geomorphology
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 112 or 210 or GEOL 121 or 122.

The description and objective classification of landforms and the processes and principles involved in their origin and distribution.

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