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Department of History, College of Arts and Science

History >


Ancient and Medieval History

READING COURSES (300-LEVEL)These are junior seminars featuring major historical and historiographical issues. They are primarily directed readings courses rather than lecture courses, though some courses combine seminar discussions with lectures. In all these courses students are required to do assigned reading and then come to class prepared to discuss critically various themes, issues, events, and conflicting historical interpretations. The preparation of written work is an integral part of these courses. Permission of the department must be obtained before enrolling in these courses.

HIST 306.3*
Transitions in Late Antique City CE 284 to 602
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units in history or classics at 200-level or permission of the instructor.

Studies the impact of social and political changes, including the rise of Christianity, on the use of urban space in Roman cities in the period AD 284-602.

*Denotes courses with a terminal date of 1815 or earlier.

HIST 307.3*
Seminar in Ancient Medieval and Renaissance Biography
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units in history at the 200-level or permission of the instructor.

A view of the historical period through the documents relating to a single individual. Students will have the opportunity to work on the topic from various perspectives, including social, institutional, intellectual, cultural, and gender history. Possible individuals to be studied include Peter Abelard, Elizabeth I, Erasmus, and Joan of Arc.

*Denotes courses with a terminal date of 1815 or earlier.

HIST 309.3* (Formerly HIST 313)
Crusades and Aftermath
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units in history at the 200-level.

Examines the socio-economic pressures and spiritual goals basic to the Crusades, military encounters, the organization of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099-1291), and ensuing contacts between Christians and Muslims to the eighteenth century.

*Denotes courses with a terminal date of 1815 or earlier.

HIST 312.3*
Medieval Russia and Ukraine
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units in history at the 200-level.

An in-depth examination of the Eastern Slavs' early history, from the sixth to the thirteenth century C.E. including the foundation of Kievan Rus; the adoption of Orthodox Christianity; the society, economics, and culture of the Kievan state; political fragmentation and Mongol invasion; the emergence of separate Russian and Ukrainian identities.

*Denotes courses with a terminal date of 1815 or earlier.

HONOURS SEMINAR COURSES (400-LEVEL) These are research seminars in which students are required to do some work with primary sources. The discussion of assigned readings, and the preparation, presentation and criticism of research papers are the main activities. Historical themes and problems are examined in depth. Conflicting historical interpretations and historiography are discussed. Note: Permission of the department must be obtained.

HIST 402.3*
Aspects of Late Antiquity

*Denotes courses with a terminal date of 1815 or earlier.

HIST 414.3*
Masculinity in Middle Ages and Renaissance

*Denotes courses with a terminal date of 1815 or earlier.


HIST 120.6 (Formerly 112)
History of Europe from Renaissance to Present

A survey of significant forces in modern Europe from the 15th century; the shaping of the modern world; the concentration of political power and the expansion of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries; the liberal experiment in the 19th century; the 20th-century dilemma.

Note: Students with credit for HIST 121 or 122 may not take this course for credit.

HIST 121.3
Europe to Modern Age 1348 to 1789

The Black Death; Renaissance and Reformation; the wars of the seventeenth century; the rise of modern science; the agricultural revolution; the Enlightenment.

Note: Students with credit for HIST 112 or 120 may not take this course for credit.

HIST 122.3
Europe in Age of Mass Culture 1789 to Present

Population growth; the age of political revolutions; Romantics and Liberals; nationalism and socialism; the industrial revolution; towards gender equality; the two World Wars and the Cold War; towards economic and political integration.

Note: Students with credit for HIST 112 or 120 may not take this course for credit.


Lecture and lecture-tutorial courses at the 200-level are designed to provide more detailed examination of a subfield within one of the survey areas, and a more advanced and detailed discussion of conflicting interpretations and the historiographical debates on issues, themes and developments within that historical subfield.

The Department offers a judicious mix of subfields, which may be defined along national/political, chronological, or thematic lines. The subfields are fairly general, and the instruction is designed to offer greater depth of coverage and to develop a better sense of the varieties of history and of the context for the events studied than the instruction given in the first year courses.

Instruction normally consists of either three hours of lectures a week or two hours of lectures a week and one hour of tutorial instruction in which documents or assigned readings are examined, and historical and historiographical issues are discussed. The preparation of essays is an integral part of all these courses. In their essays students are expected to define and demonstrate an understanding of major historical themes, develop research skills, and improve their command of written English.

HIST 220.6 (Formerly HIST 210)
Russian History from the 9th Century to Present
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units in history at the 100-level.

The formative influences on Russian history; unification and expansion of the country; developments in the political, social and economic structure. Russia's relationship with the West; the connection between the Soviet period and earlier developments; the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and post-Soviet Union Russia.

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