See the actual size of this pageHere is an example of Faulkner's handwriting from the manuscript (the first page of Jason's section, April 6, 1928). Notice the large left margins, which he used - remarkably infrequently - for corrections and additions. Faulkner's biographer, Frederick R. Karl, believes Faulkner's handwriting and personality are consistent with each other. He writes: "[Faulkner] was compulsively neat, careful, and accurate - his handwriting suggests a completely hermetic individual, and the numbering as well as care in his manuscripts and typescripts indicate a person who hates to give anything of himself, very close to what Freud defined as the classic anal personality" (Frederick R. Karl, William Faulkner: American Writer, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, New York: 1989. p. 227-228.). Click the image to see a bigger version.