Results 1 - 7 of 7 Courses

Department of Drama, College of Arts and Science

Drama > 100-level

As of 1 September 2001, students in their second, third, or fourth year of the Drama program have the option of completing either the new program or the program as it existed prior to September 2001. All Drama majors beginning their first year in September 2001 or later will be required to follow the new program with its specific sequencing of courses. Students should also be aware that there are equivalencies between old and new courses and that students with credit for a course under the old curriculum may not take for credit the new curriculum equivalency. The course equivalencies are as follows (old is equivalent to new):

100.6 is equivalent to 101.3
104.6 is equivalent to 104.6
110.3 is equivalent to 110.3
113.3 is equivalent to 113.3
116.3 is equivalent to 116.3
117.3 is equivalent to 117.3
121.3 is equivalent to 121.3
201.6 is equivalent to 203.3 & 303.3
202.6 is equivalent to 204.3 & 304.3
210.3 is equivalent to 210.3
213.3 is equivalent to 213.3
216.3 is equivalent to 216.3
217.3 is equivalent to 217.3
220.3 is equivalent to 220.3
221.3 is equivalent to 221.3
302.6 is equivalent to 209.3 and 3 c.u. from selected Classics, English, French
314.6 is equivalent to 320.3 & 321.3
315.6 is equivalent to 316.3 & 317.3
326.3 is equivalent to 3 c.u. of Drama electives or 234.2 and 235.2
327.3 is equivalent to 330.3
331.6 is equivalent to 331.6
341.6 is equivalent to 341.6
401.3 is equivalent to 401.3
402.3 is equivalent to 402.3
415.6 is equivalent to 416.3 & 417.3
414.6 is equivalent to 420.3 & 421.3
481.6 is equivalent to 481.6

DRAMA 101.3
How to Read Drama

An introductory course in the reading, and analysis, of playscripts. The course will offer a brief survey of script analysis techniques (used by directors, actors, and other theatre personnel) as applied to major plays from various genres and historical contexts.

DRAMA 104.6
Introduction to Theatre

Direct experience of theatre arts and crafts. Designed to encourage the individual's creative impulse. Dramatic activities, for teachers at all levels, are explored and students move towards an understanding of drama as education.

Note: This course in not acceptable in a major in drama in the College of Arts and Science except with written permission of the Head of the Drama Department.

DRAMA 110.3
Technical Theatre: Scenic Construction

Introduces the fundamentals of scenic construction techniques including construction methods and materials, scene painting and aesthetic aspects of producing scenery for the stage. Requires a minimum of 25 hours production work beyond the regular class and lab hours. Students should avoid taking any evening classes because of the demands of evening production set-up and rehearsals.

DRAMA 113.3
Technical Theatre: Stage Properties

Introduction to the fundamentals of stage properties construction, materials and techniques. Emphasis will be placed on the practical and aesthetic aspects of producing stage properties for theatre productions. There is a requirement of a minimum of 25 hours production work beyond the regular class and lab hours. Students should avoid taking any evening classes because of the demands of evening production set-up and rehearsals.

DRAMA 116.3
Acting 1

The essentials of acting through the exploration of body, voice, idea, and imagination.

DRAMA 117.3
Acting 2
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 116.

Fundamentals introduced in Acting 1 will be applied to the process of interpreting the dramatic text.

DRAMA 121.3
Directing for the Non-Specialist
S & S(1L-2P)

A practical and theoretical course for those interested in directing plays for amateur bodies such as schools and community groups. The directing process will be explored in terms of script analysis, script scoring, audition methods, coaching techniques, the development of rehearsal schedules, and the design of floor plans and blocking.

Note: Normally offered only in Spring and Summer Session. Students are encouraged to contact the department prior to registration in the course. Open to drama majors as an elective only under Requirement 7 of Program Type D. Students with credit for another 100-level drama course may not take this course for credit.

  Results 1 - 7 of 7 Courses