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Curriculum Studies
Department of Curriculum Studies, College of Education

Curriculum Studies > Science Education

Undergraduate and graduate courses in Curriculum Studies are listed in the following order of headings:

Curriculum Research and Development

General Curriculum and Instruction (000)

English Language and Drama Education (040/070)

English as a Second Language (090)

Home Economics/Health Education (030)

Mathematics and Computational Science

Education (010)

Physical Education (050)

Religious Studies (090)

Science Education (020)

Second Language Education

Social Studies Education (080)

Special Topics

Teaching Effectiveness

Science Education

EDCUR 322.3
Teaching Science in Elementary Schools
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): EDCUR 200.

Students will be introduced to teaching children science and to the Saskatchewan Science Curriculum for the Elementary Level. Various methods and resources needed to teach the Curriculum at this level will be demonstrated. Specific issues related to Science Education will be explored.

Note: Students may receive credit for only one of EDCUR 322, 323, 324 and 325.

EDCUR 324.3
Teaching Science in Middle Years Schools
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): EDCUR 200.

Students will be introduced to teaching middle level students science and the Saskatchewan Science Curriculum for the Middle Level. Various methods and resources needed to teach the Curriculum at this level will be demonstrated. Specific issues related to Science Education will be explored.

Note: Students may receive credit for only one of EDCUR 322, 323, 324 and 325.

EDCUR 327.3
Methods for Teaching Life Sciences in the Secondary School
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 253 (or introductory university-level course in ecology) and 9 other credit units in biology.
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): EDCUR 200.

Students will develop and demonstrate an informed and practical philosophy of teaching the life sciences by exploring the nature of science, reflecting on the pedagogical implications of provincial science curriculum intentions and examining how current research in science education informs planning, the development of resource materials, and teaching methodologies.

EDCUR 328.3
Methods for Teaching Physical Sciences
Prerequisite(s): 12 credit units in chemistry, geology, physical geography or physics.
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): EDCUR 200.

Students will develop a series of conceptual frameworks that have practical implications for reflecting on classroom practice. Topics include: curriculum intentions, the nature of the scientific enterprise, concept development, assessment and evaluation, and pedagogical methods and strategies that support curriculum intentions.

EDCUR 420.3
Advanced Methods for Teaching Science in the Elementary and Middle Years Schools
Prerequisite(s): EX PR 402 and BIOL 253 (or introductory university-level course in ecology) and 9 other credit units in a natural science.

Provides beginning teachers the opportunity, through seminars, collaborative investigations, and critical exploration of curriculum materials, to extend and develop from previous studies of science education the knowledge, leadership skills and expertise to support and advance science education in elementary and middle years schools.

EDCUR 421.3
Epistemology and Sociology of Science for Teaching
Prerequisite(s): EDCUR 200 and 18 credit units in the natural sciences.

Students examine how scientists know what they know, what kind of knowledge this is, how the social and technological milieu interactions with scientists and their knowledge, and implications for teaching science. Emphasis is given to analyzing scientific events from a number of different perspectives: historical, philosophical, sociological, and pedagogical.

EDCUR 423.3
Advanced Methods for Teaching Science in Secondary School
Prerequisite(s): EDCUR 327 or 328 and EX PR 402 and 12 credit units in the natural sciences.

Provides beginning teachers the opportunity through seminars, reflection on their internship experience, research, and critical exploration of curriculum materials to extend and develop from previous studies of science education the knowledge, leadership skills and expertise for excellence in teaching science at the secondary level.

Department of Curriculum Studies, College of Graduate Studies & Research

EDCUR 820.3
Introduction to Graduate Studies in Science Education
Prerequisite(s): 6 credit units of undergraduate-level science methods courses; 24 credit units of natural science courses (as defined by the Arts and Science section of the Calendar); or permission of the department.

A survey of advanced studies in science education, prerequisite to all other graduate courses in science education. Topics include: the nature of the scientific enterprise; the interactions of science with society, stressing the implications to science education; new curriculum developments; objectives; and current issues and trends. Special emphasis will be placed on the philosophy and methodology inherent in these topics.

EDCUR 821.3
Advanced Studies in Science Education
Prerequisite(s): EDCUR 820.

A continuation of EDCUR 820, but with more emphasis on individual and group projects. The major topic will be a survey of research in science education. Additional topics will be supplementary to EDCUR 820 and dependent on the interest and needs of the students.

EDCUR 827.3
Colloquium in Science Education I

A seminar in which students will be encouraged to examine and present materials and ideas at the frontier level of science education. Contributions will be made by faculty members from science education and other departments.

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