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Educational Psychology & Special Education
Department of Educational Psychology & Special Education, College of Education

Educational Psychology & Special Education > 400-level+

EDPSE 410.3 (Formerly EDEXC 410.3)
Language and Communication Disorders in the Classroom
Prerequisite(s): EDPSE 390.

Language and communication development and disorders will be studied with emphasis on the impact they have on students' academic, social, emotional and cognitive development. The teacher's role, including classroom identification and assistance for students having language and communication disorders, will be discussed. Classroom and instruction modifications will be presented.

EDPSE 414.3 (Formerly EDEXC 414.3)
Exceptional Learners: Classroom Implications
Prerequisite(s): EDPSE 390.

Emphasizes strategies and techniques useful in accommodating children and youth with special learning needs in the regular classroom. Students will learn how to maximize potential for individualization through procedures such as adapting lesson plans, devising alternative evaluation procedures and modifying teaching techniques and materials.

EDPSE 415.3 (Formerly EDPSY 415.3)
Interpersonal Communication and Personal Development
Prerequisite(s): EX PR 402.

Topics include: psychosocial well-being and its social and cultural dimensions, interpersonal, intergroup and intercultural communication, group processes, the management of stress, and conflict resolution. Class activities foster professional and personal development, and help students to acquire strategies and skills applicable to diverse classroom, professional, and community contexts.

EDPSE 416.3 (Formerly EDPSY 411.3 and EDPSY 425.3)
Comprehensive Guidance and Counselling
Prerequisite(s): 3 credit units in Educational Psychology or permission of the instructor

Introduction to comprehensive guidance and counselling in school, community, and agency settings. Examines the rationale for and best practices, as well as roles, functions, and ethical practices of personnel involved in guidance and counselling, career education, work education, career resource centres, academic advisement, and student recruitment centres.

Note: Students may not obtain credit for both this course and EDPSY 411.3 or EDPSY 425.3

EDPSE 417.3 (Formerly EDPSY 412.3)
Introduction to Counselling
Prerequisite(s): 3 credit units in Educational Psychology or permission of the instructor.

Introduces students to major contemporary theories and practices of individual and group counselling. The primary focus is on preparing classroom teachers and school counsellors for conducting school counselling activities. This is a prerequisite class for the graduate program in counselling in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education.

Note: Students may not receive credit for both this course and PSY 257 in a B.Ed. program.

EDPSE 418.3
Special Topics in Educational Psychology and Special Education
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Instructor

Reviews the theoretical and practical bases of emerging trends in educational psychology and special education. Regular faculty with specific expertise or visiting scholars will offer the course periodically.

EDPSE 421.3
Assessing the Needs of Diverse Learners
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): Student must hold a B.Ed. degree and have completed EDPSE 390, 410, and 414.

Provides theoretical background and practical assessment
skills for delivery of effective educational programs for students with
special needs. Emphasis is placed on the "why, who, when, where, and
how" working within the collaborative team to design the assessment
plan, gather information, plan and implement services, and monitor
student progress.

EDPSE 422.3
Program Planning for Exceptional Learners
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): EDPSE 421 or approval of the department.

The intent of this class is to provide preparation in the theory of instructional methods and strategies of known to be effective of "best practice" instruction in Special Education. The emphasis in this class is on the organizational and procedural aspects of instruction and is directed toward providing frameworks for instructional decision-making in a variety of instructional environments.

EDPSE 437.3 (Formerly EDPSY 437.3)
Classroom Dynamics and Student Discipline
Corequisite(s): EX PR 402 or permission of the department.

Classroom and student discipline are examined from a holistic perspective. Prospective teachers explore and apply to situations encountered in the internship a variety of models for conceptualizing classroom dynamics and constructing interventions which facilitate student self-regulation in diverse educational and socio-cultural settings.

EDPSE 441.3 (Formerly EDPSY 441.3)
Introductory Statistics in Education
Prerequisite(s): 3 credit units in Educational Psychology or permission of the instructor.

Provides the student with an overview of descriptive statistics and basic psychometric concepts, with specific attention to problems of measurement and research in education and counselling. The emphasis is on application rather than derivation. No specific mathematical background is required.

Note: Especially recommended for students needing to fulfill the statistics requirement for admission to M.Ed. programs. Students with credit for COMM 104, PSY 233 or STATS 244 may not take this course for credit.

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