Results 1 - 3 of 3 Courses

Home Economics
Department of Curriculum Studies, College of Education

Home Economics > 200-level

HED 222.3
Environments for Living: A Family Perspective

An introduction to family housing environments. Involves a study of: housing alternatives for Canadians: housing needs regarding basic shelter; safety; finances; handicaps; special needs; housing policies; aesthetics; culture; personal expression; and the relationship among housing, family, and the environment.

HED 223.3
Contemporary Clothing and Textile Consumption

An introduction to the consumption of clothing and textiles. Involves a study of common textiles and finishes used in apparel and the home, fibers, yarns, and fabric construction, performance and care, factors affecting selection including economic, socio-psychological, cultural, aesthetic, wardrobe planning, apparel construction and fit, special needs and marketplace options.

HED 232.3
Personal and Family Financial Management

A study of the economic resources of individuals and families. Income, wealth, employee benefits, credit, mortgages, pensions and wills are examined along with issues related to financial security, income assistance and budgeting. Spending decisions of a family at the various stages of the family will also be examined.

  Results 1 - 3 of 3 Courses