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Political Studies
Department of Political Studies, College of Arts and Science

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Results 1 - 10 of 99 Courses

Political Studies >

The Department of Political Studies has introduced two three credit unit courses, POLST 111.3 and POLST 112.3, to replace POLST 110.6. After the 2002 Spring and Summer Session, POLST 110.6 will be offered only as a web-based course through Extension Credit Studies. The maximum number of 100-level political studies credit units which may be completed for credit is six. All upper year courses in political studies require as a prerequisite six credit units at the 100-level, except as noted.

POLST 110.6
Introduction to Political Studies

An introduction to the study of government and politics by way of an examination of political processes and structures, the Canadian political system, and major themes and concepts such as power, freedom, rights, equality, authority and legitimacy.

POLST 111.3
Democracy in North America

An introduction to the study of politics through an examination of contemporary issues and ideas that arise in and between the democratic systems of Canada, the United States and Mexico, including democracy, sovereignty, aboriginal issues, NAFTA, globalization, identity, rights, representation and political participation.

POLST 112.3
Political Ideas and Change in a Global Era

An introduction to political ideas and change in a global era. The course explores themes such as nationalism, ideology, development, democratization, globalization, sovereignty, conflict and human rights.

POLST 203.6
Government of Canada

A study of the institutions and processes of Canadian government. Particular attention is given to the constitution, federalism, the executive, legislative and judicial processes, the electoral system and voting behaviour, political parties, and pressure groups.

POLST 220.6
Public Administration

A comparative analysis of the public services and the machinery of government in Great Britain, the United States, and Canada, with particular reference to the legal basis, organization, management, and political and judicial control of the administrative processes.

POLST 222.3
Aboriginal Governance and Politics

Provides an analysis of the existing and emerging systems of governance and politics within the Aboriginal sector in Canada. Attention is given to governance systems within the Aboriginal sector and those at the interface of the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal sectors at the local, regional, provincial and national levels.

POLST 235.6
Introduction to the History of Political Thought

Introduces the political visions of key political thinkers from the ancient Greeks to the end of the nineteenth century. The perennial problems of politics and various alternative solutions will be discussed.

POLST 240.6
West European Politics

Examines the major West European political systems and policy processes from a comparative perspective, and the European Union.

POLST 241.3
East Central European Politics

Designed to introduce the student to the politics and society of East Central Europe. Focusing on the idea of "failed modernity," the legacies of empire and authoritarianism will be examined and assessed with respect to how each shaped and defined the course of 20th century East Central European political development.

POLST 242.6
Government and Politics of the United States

An inquiry into the evolution and workings of the American national government. The course will study American political thought, political culture, political institutions and political processes.

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