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Department of Drama, College of Arts and Science

Drama > 300-level

As of 1 September 2001, students in their second, third, or fourth year of the Drama program have the option of completing either the new program or the program as it existed prior to September 2001. All Drama majors beginning their first year in September 2001 or later will be required to follow the new program with its specific sequencing of courses. Students should also be aware that there are equivalencies between old and new courses and that students with credit for a course under the old curriculum may not take for credit the new curriculum equivalency. The course equivalencies are as follows (old is equivalent to new):

100.6 is equivalent to 101.3
104.6 is equivalent to 104.6
110.3 is equivalent to 110.3
113.3 is equivalent to 113.3
116.3 is equivalent to 116.3
117.3 is equivalent to 117.3
121.3 is equivalent to 121.3
201.6 is equivalent to 203.3 & 303.3
202.6 is equivalent to 204.3 & 304.3
210.3 is equivalent to 210.3
213.3 is equivalent to 213.3
216.3 is equivalent to 216.3
217.3 is equivalent to 217.3
220.3 is equivalent to 220.3
221.3 is equivalent to 221.3
302.6 is equivalent to 209.3 and 3 c.u. from selected Classics, English, French
314.6 is equivalent to 320.3 & 321.3
315.6 is equivalent to 316.3 & 317.3
326.3 is equivalent to 3 c.u. of Drama electives or 234.2 and 235.2
327.3 is equivalent to 330.3
331.6 is equivalent to 331.6
341.6 is equivalent to 341.6
401.3 is equivalent to 401.3
402.3 is equivalent to 402.3
415.6 is equivalent to 416.3 & 417.3
414.6 is equivalent to 420.3 & 421.3
481.6 is equivalent to 481.6

DRAMA 303.3
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Advanced Studies in Theatre History 1
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 203.3 or permission of the Department.

Intended for students who have acquired some background in the theatre from 600 B.C. to 1850. The course will involve more intensive study of the aesthetic, literary and production/performance aspects of the theatre of the past, integrating theoretical and practical approaches to the material.

DRAMA 304.3
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Advanced Studies in Theatre History 2
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 204.3 or 209.3 or the permission of the Department.

Intended for students who have acquired some background in the theatre from 1850 to the present. The course will involve a more intensive study of the aesthetic, literary and production/performance aspects of the theatre of the contemporary period, integrating theoretical and practical approaches to the material.

DRAMA 316.3
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Acting 5
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 217 and permission of the department through an audition.

An advanced course in the art of Shakespearean acting focussing on the demands Shakespeare's texts make upon the actor's intellect, emotions, voice, and movement.

DRAMA 317.3
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Acting 6
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 316.

A course in acting styles other than Shakespeare. Scene study and exercises in various periods and genres, which may include Greek theatre, medieval theatre, Comedy of Manners, farce, absurdist and Epic theatre.

DRAMA 320.3
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Intermediate Theatre Design 1
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 221.3, Introduction to Theatre Design 2.

Further development of the Theatre Designer in the areas of Costume, Lighting and Set Design. Continued exploration of design aesthetics in theoretical design projects. Focus is on individual "paper projects" involving the complete planning and execution of projects in costume, sets and lighting.

DRAMA 321.3
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Intermediate Theatre Design 2
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 320.3, Intermediate Theatre Design 1.

Continued exploration and identification of concepts and methods as they relate to Costume, Set and Lighting design. Focus on continued exploration of the theatre design process and the continued improvement of technical and aesthetic skills. Course may involve a design project that relates to departmental productions.

DRAMA 322.3, 423.3, 422.3, 323.3
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Studies in Technical Theatre 1, 2, 3, and 4
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 220.3 is a prerequisite to 322.3; completion of 60 credit units at the university; and permission of the department. Subsequently each number level is prerequisite to the next level

For the student who wishes to pursue advanced studies in technical theatre practices in such areas as Stage Management, Lighting and Sound, Theatre Properties and Effects. Studies will be closely related to the department's schedule of productions.

DRAMA 330.3
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Physical Theatre 1: Clown
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 235.

Neutral Mask and Clown: studies in physical theatre, Part one will consist of the student's discovery of neutral expression and expressiveness through the use of neutral mask. Part two will allow the student to develop the personal clown.

DRAMA 331.6
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Playwriting
Prerequisite(s): At least 12 credit units in Drama and 12 credit units in English.

The craft of writing plays, explored through exercises and class discussions.

DRAMA 341.6
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Play Directing
Prerequisite(s): DRAMA 110, 113; 216 and 217 (both may be taken concurrently).

Basic problems in directing and producing plays.

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