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School Experiences
College of Education

School Experiences > Student Teachings


Student Teachings

Student teachers are placed with teachers holding a Saskatchewan Teaching Certificate in a school using the provincial curriculum and organized under the Education Act.

ST TC 103.0
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Student Teaching Sequential Program Elementary/Middle/Secondary - Year 3
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Sequential Program.

Involves directed observation and participation in a school classroom under the guidance of a cooperating teacher. It takes place in the second term of the first year of the Sequential program. The course carries no credit, but is a program requirement.

ST TC 130.0
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Student Teaching B.Ed./B.Mus.(Mus.Ed.) Elementary/Middle Years - Year 1
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the B.Ed./B.Mus.(Mus.Ed.) Program.

Involves one week of directed observation in a music classroom after the conclusion of final examinations. The course carries no credit but is a program requirement.

ST TC 137.0
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Student Teaching B.Ed./B.Mus.(Mus.Ed.) Secondary - Year 1
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the B.Ed./B.Mus.(Mus.Ed.) Program.

Involves one week of directed observation in a music classroom after the conclusion of final examinations. The course carries no credit but is a program requirement.

ST TC 200.0
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Student Teaching

Involves demonstrations of teaching competence in a second-language classroom setting. The course carries no credit but is a requirement for the Certificate in Methods of Teaching Heritage Languages program.

ST TC 213.0
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Student Teaching Concurrent Program Elementary/Middle - Year 2; Secondary - Year 2
Prerequisite(s): Elementary/Middle Years - EDFDT 101; Secondary - Completion of Education courses in Years 1 & 2.

Involves directed observation and participation in a school classroom. For students in the Elementary/Middle Years options, it take place in second term and for students in the Secondary option, it consists of a two-week experience in rural Saskatchewan after the conclusion of final examinations. The course carries no credit but is a program requirement.

ST TC 230.0
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Student Teaching B.Ed./B.Mus.(Mus.Ed.) Elementary/Middle Years - Year 2
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Years 1 & 2 Education courses and ST TC 130.

Involves three weeks of directed observation and participation in a music classroom after the conclusion of final examinations. The course carries no credit but is a program requirement.

ST TC 237.0
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Student Teaching B.Ed./B.Mus.(Mus.Ed.) Secondary - Year 2
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Years 1 & 2 Education courses and ST TC 137.

Involves three weeks of directed observation and participation in a music classroom after the conclusion of final examinations. The course carries no credit but is a program requirement.

ST TC 303.0
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Student Teaching Concurrent Program Elementary/Middle Years - Year 3
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Years 1, 2 & 3 Education courses and ST TC 213.

Involves directed observation and participation in a school classroom and consists of a two-week experience in rural Saskatchewan after the conclusion of final examinations. The course carries no credit but is a program requirement.

ST TC 304.0
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Student Teaching Concurrent Program Secondary - Year 3
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Years 1, 2 & 3 Education courses and ST TC 213.

Involves directed observation and participation in a school classroom and consists of a two-week experience in rural Saskatchewan after the conclusion of final examinations. The course carries no credit but is a program requirement.

ST TC 330.0
Registration Info — 2003-2004 Regular Session» Student Teaching B.Ed./B.Mus.(Mus.Ed.) Elementary/Middle Years - Year 3
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Years 1, 2 & 3 Education courses and ST TC 230.

Involves three weeks of directed observation and participation in a music classroom after the conclusion of final examinations. The course carries no credit but is a program requirement.

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