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Admission Requirements

Pre-Veterinary Program

Admission to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine requires at least two full years (60 credit units) in the College of Arts and Science or the College of Agriculture. The pre-veterinary requirements are as follows:
(1) English or Literature 6 credit units*
(2) Chemistry 6 credit units
(3) Organic Chemistry 3 credit units
(4) Biochemistry 6 credit units
(5) Physics 6 credit units
(6) Mathematics or Statistics 6 credit units
(7) Biology 6 credit units
(8) Genetics 3 credit units
(9) Introductory Microbiology 3 credit units
(10) Electives** 15 credit units

Total 60 credit units

All courses must be beyond senior matriculation (Grade 12 or equivalent) level***

The Faculty of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine has also approved a policy that requires all applicants to have a minimum cumulative average of 70% in order to be considered for admission into the veterinary program. All grades are converted to a common scale for comparative purposes and this converted average will be used.

* One credit unit represents one lecture-hour equivalent per week for one term, i.e. approximately one semester hour of credit.

** The choice of electives should be based upon the requirements of the program in which the student is enrolled. At some universities it might be in the student's better interest to take three years to meet the pre-veterinary requirements in order to take electives appropriate for this program. Students are also encouraged to select electives which will broaden their perspective. A course in statistics is desirable and may be used to meet a part of the mathematics requirement.

*** One University course (6 credit units) not requiring a Grade 12 subject as prerequisite may be counted as one of the electives if it is needed to meet a senior matriculation deficiency.

At the University of Saskatchewan, pre-veterinary course requirements are usually met by the following courses:
It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that his or her pre-veterinary courses are acceptable as prerequisite courses for admission to the D.V.M. program. Ordinarily, pre-veterinary advisors at other universities know the appropriate pre-veterinary courses in their institutions.

Only a limited number of applicants can be accepted for admission to the first year of the Veterinary Medicine program and completion of the pre-veterinary program carries no assurance of admission to the professional program.

Since competition for admission to this College is very keen, it is recommended that the applicant choose an alternate career goal which will determine the choice of electives taken. Applicants are urged to consult their undergraduate advisors for help in this regard.

Enquiries and requests for application forms should be directed to the Associate Dean (Academic), Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan. Completed applications for admission must be returned before January 3, 2004.

Selection will be based on scholastic records, references, interviews, and general qualifications. While practical experience with animals is not an absolute requirement for admission to the program, it is becoming increasingly important as a factor in selection, as is an exposure to veterinary medicine.

Since the Western College of Veterinary Medicine is a regional institution, it admits applicants primarily from western Canada with quotas for each province. For detailed information on residency policy and admissions procedures, contact the Admissions Office, Western College of Veterinary Medicine for a copy of the Admissions brochure.

Aboriginal Applicants

The Western College of Veterinary Medicine has recently, with the approval of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, introduced an Educational Equity Program for Aboriginal Students. In this program, a defined number of seats have been allocated for self-identified applicants of Aboriginal descent. These applicants will be ranked among themselves and not against the general applicant pool.

Proof of Aboriginal ancestry will be required and must be provided at the time of application. For the purpose of admission, the documents that are accepted as proof of Aboriginal ancestry are listed in the  Admission section of the Calendar.

If you wish to be considered under this program, please enclose a letter of intent with your completed application form as well as proof of ancestry.

Graduate Study

A student who has graduated with a degree in Veterinary Medicine or who has a four-year Honours degree and who has obtained a sufficiently high standing may seek admission to the College of Graduate Studies and Research to proceed with a graduate program. For details of graduate programs offered, see the College of Graduate Studies and Research section of the Calendar or consult the Associate Dean, Research, Western College of Veterinary Medicine.

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