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Department of Languages & Linguistics, College of Arts and Science

French > 400-level+

Students registered in any of the language courses (103, 106, 121, 122, 125, 212, 215) should plan to attend weekly oral tutorials as scheduled in the Registration Guide. A multi-media laboratory is also available on a library basis. Students who have completed the Immersion program in French to Grade 12, the ACFC program in French, or the French program in a Designated School, must register in FR 128 and 218. Students having graduated from Grade 12 in an Immersion program will not be allowed to register in FR 121/122 or 125 for credit if it has been fewer than five years since their graduation. Students with credit for French 30 (Grade 12 Core French) must take FR 121/122, 125. Students with an additional background in French beyond the Grade 12 level should consult the Department before registering.

Note: Students taking acceptable immersion French language courses will receive transfer credit for "unspecified" junior or senior French which may be used to satisfy Requirement 7 only.

FR 400.0
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Stay in a French-Speaking Milieu
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the honours program in French and permission of the Department of Languages & Linguistics.

Students will participate in a French-speaking milieu. All students graduating with an Honours degree in French are required to have completed a stay in a French-speaking milieu. Students must contact the Department for further information regarding this requirement.

Note: Students will be provided with additional information once accepted into the French Honours program. Upon evaluation and successful completion of this stay, the student will be assigned a grade of a Pass, to indicate completion of this Honours requirement.

FR 408.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Special Topics in Medieval French Literature
Prerequisite(s): FR 220 or 230.

One special topic in medieval French literature will be studied such as lyric poetry or epic literature.

FR 409.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Special Topics in French Renaissance Literature
Prerequisite(s): FR 220 or 230.

One of the following special topics in French literature of the 16th century will be studied: Rabelais or Montaigne.

FR 417.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Special Topics in 17th-Century French Literature
Prerequisite(s): FR 220 or 230.

One of the following special topics will be studied: the theatre of Corneille and Racine, the novel (from Urfé to Lafayette), or secondary genres (fables, sermons, maxims, portraits, correspondence).

FR 418.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Special Topics in 18th-Century French Literature
Prerequisite(s): FR 220 or 230.

One of the following special topics will be studied: the novel and the theatre or the Encyclopédistes.

FR 419.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Special Topics in 19th-Century French Literature
Prerequisite(s): FR 220 or 230.

One of the following topics will be studied: French symbolist poetry (Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud and Mallarmé): "Victor Hugo cet Inconnu"; The "arriviste" in Stendhal's, Balzac's and Maupassant's novels; The superfluous man in the 19th-century French novel (Constant, Adolphe, Chateaubriand, René, Flaubert, L'Education sentimentale).

FR 420.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Special Topics in 20th-Century French Literature
Prerequisite(s): FR 220 or 230.

One of the following topics will be studied: The Nouveau-roman; Dada and Surrealism in French literature; the literature of the absurd.

FR 423.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Literature and Spirituality: The Catholic Novel in France
Prerequisite(s): FR 220 or 230.

A study of the three major "Catholic" novelists of 20th-century France: Françcois Mauriac, Julien Green, and Georges Bernanos. Emphasis will be placed upon their religious and spiritual preoccupations.

FR 434.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Special Topics in French Canadian Poetry
Prerequisite(s): FR 220 or 230.

A special topic in French Canadian poetry will be studied, such as surrealism, women writers, modernism/post-modernism.

FR 436.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Selected Topics in French
1/2(2 Weekends)
Prerequisite(s): FR 215 or 218 and 6 senior credit units in French or French Canadian literature.

This course is offered in collaboration with the University of Regina and taught jointly by faculty members from both campuses. It may, for example, be given over two weekends, one in Saskatoon and one in Regina, on two related topics in areas such as literature, civilization, cinema, and translation. Or distance technology could be used. The topics change every year.

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