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Religious Studies
Department of Religious Studies & Anthropology, College of Arts and Science

Religious Studies > 300-level


All 300-level courses have as a prerequisite a 200-level Religious Studies course or 48 credit units at the university level, unless otherwise specified.

RELST 314.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Contemporary Catholic Thought

An analysis of contemporary Catholic thought with emphasis on the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and its effects. Themes include: identity of and membership in the church; liturgical renewal; post-concilliar forms of spirituality and community; social doctrine; moral issues.

RELST 315.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Eastern Christian Thought in the First Millennium

A survey of individuals and movements that shaped and influenced the development of Eastern Christianity during the first millennium.

RELST 316.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Eastern Christianity in the 2nd Millennium

A survey of individuals and movements that shaped Eastern Christianity from the conversion of the Slavs to the present-day diaspora.

RELST 320.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Contemporary Protestant Thought

Analysis of 20th-century Protestant Thought. Special emphasis given to problems of religious knowledge and to the stance of Christianity in the modern world. The relationship of Catholic thought is included.

RELST 321.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Gender and God-Talk

An overview of feminist theological perspectives, both as critiques of traditional culture and theology and as constructions of new visions and ways of religious life.

RELST 326.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Christian Thought in Art

Introduction to iconography in Christianity with emphasis on exploring the relationship between uniquely Christian themes and art as a bearer of meaning. Attention will be given to the historical and doctrinal developments relating to icons and their use in worship and reflection in early Christianity and the Eastern Christian Churches.

Note: Students with credit for RELST 226 cannot take this course for credit.

RELST 328.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Jewish-Christian Relations in Historical Perspective

Christianity emerged out of Judaism, and this course examines the relationships that have existed between the two religions through the ages. Both Christian and Jewish sources will be examined to develop a critical perspective on this important aspect of Western religious heritage.

RELST 329.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Studies in the Bhagavad Gita

Students will be reading the Bhagavad Gita in translation along with some of the commentarial literature to acquire a critical understanding of fundamental philosophical assumptions of Hinduism. Primary approach being textual study, the course will also attempt to draw upon the Hindu hermeneutical tools in search for the meaning structures in the Bhagavad Gita.

RELST 330.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Taoist Philosophy

Intensive reading and discussion of major texts (in translation) of Taoism: Tao Te Ching, Chuang-tzu, Lieh-tzu, and Huai-nan-tzu. Compares Taoism and some other major schools of Chinese thought: Confucianism and Buddhism.

RELST 331.3
Registration Info — 2004-2005 Regular Session» Neo-Confucian Thought

Reading and discussion of major Neo-Confucian texts in translation. The focus will be on the interpretive communities in which Confucian classics were understood as living spiritual wisdom in dialogue with Buddhists and Taoists.

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