Results 1 - 2 of 2 Courses

Native Studies
Department of Native Studies, College of Arts and Science

Native Studies > 100-level

6 credit units of 100-level Native Studies are required for all degree programs in Native Studies and are the prerequisites to all other Native Studies courses unless otherwise noted in the course descriptions. In special circumstances, prerequisites for senior Native Studies courses may be waived; see the course instructor to secure a waiver. Students may only receive credit for 6 credit units of 100-level Native Studies. Students with credit for NATST 100.3 may not take NS 106.3 for credit.

NS 105.3
Local Aboriginal Peoples

Studies the Aboriginal communities of Saskatchewan and adjacent regions. Each of linguistic group will be considered as will the state and status of culture and language in these communities. The course also aims to give students the skills and the background to take advanced Native Studies courses.

Note: Students will credit for NATST 110 may not take this course for credit.

NS 106.3
Aboriginal Canada

Presents an overview of Aboriginal society across Canada and links the processes of the past to contemporary issues. Issues of concern to Aboriginal society will be considered and the choice of issues may vary from year to year.

Note: Students with credit for NATST 110 or 100 may not take NS 106 for credit.

  Results 1 - 2 of 2 Courses