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The University of Saskatchewan Students' Union (USSU)

All full-time, part-time, certificate and extension undergraduate students of the University of Saskatchewan are members of the University of Saskatchewan Students' Union. For 2004-2005 full-time students will pay $46.22 and part-time, certificate and extension students will pay $23.11 to help fund the organization's advocacy and services.

Founded in 1909, the Students' Union exists to represent, serve and support the academic and non-academic needs of the undergraduate students of the University of Saskatchewan through accountable, dynamic and unified leadership.

The President is the official liaison to the University's senior administration and governing bodies, as well as the provincial and federal governments and other student organizations. The President also oversees all Students' Union activities and deals with student loan issues.

The Vice-President (Academic Affairs) is the liaison with the University offices and departments directly responsible for the academic element of the University. The VP (Academic) also deals with student grievances. The VP (Student Issues) is the official liaison with civic government and all services which impact on the non-academic lives of students, such as parking, transit and housing. Both of these Vice-Presidents work to ensure that U of S student needs are considered in the decisions that affect their lives.

The Vice-President (Operations and Finance) is responsible for overseeing the operations and finances of the Students' Union and its services, including: Place Riel Student Centre; Louis' Bar & Restaurant; USSU Copy Central; Childcare Centre (on Cumberland Ave.); and Browsers Used Bookstore and internet café (in Upper Memorial Union Building).

The USSU also offers several other services to improve student life. If you believe you have been treated unfairly in a class, the Academic Advocacy Office in Lower Place Riel can help you get your grievance heard through the proper channels. The Volunteer Centre, also in Lower Place Riel, coordinates volunteer opportunities for students. The USSU Help Centre, Lesbian Gay, Bisexual Transgender and Ally Centre and Women's Centre are excellent resources if you need someone to talk to or would like to help others. To help you pay for the health services you need, the USSU provides a Health & Dental Plan. The cost of the Plan is included in your student fees, as a member of USSU. There is also a Health & Dental Plan Office on campus (Lower Place Riel, Room 63) to answer any questions you may have about your Plan. For Plan details, opt-out and enrollment deadlines, contact studentcare.net/works:
  •  in-person on campus in Lower Place Riel, Room 63
  • by telephone (toll-free) at 1-877-795-4428
  • online at www.studentcare.net
Finally, the USSU hosts a wide number of events, from Welcome Week to lectures, concerts and an annual independent film festival.

For information on these and other services offered by the Students' Union, please contact:

University of Saskatchewan Students' Union
Room 65 Place Riel Student Centre
University of Saskatchewan
1 Campus Drive
Saskatoon SK  S7N 5A3
Tel: 306-966-6960
Toll-Free: 1-877-765-8778
E-mail: ussu.office@usask.ca
Website: www.ussu.ca

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