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University Of Saskatchewan Alumni Association

Membership in the Association is automatic and free of charge to all alumni of the University of Saskatchewan including those who have graduated from a degree, diploma or certificate program. An individual can also be eligible for membership if they have taken 30 credit units and the class they started University with has since graduated.

The Alumni Association fosters lifelong involvement of alumni with the University. The Association works with the Alumni & Development office in providing a variety of alumni services and programs.

The University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association has identified advocacy as one of its priority goals. In collaboration with University partners, the Alumni Association has identified sustainable funding for post-secondary education as an important issue to be addressed with the provincial government, and all members of the legislative assembly. The Alumni Ambassadors program is a pilot project being undertaken by the University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association to identify, prepare and support alumni in promoting key and consistent messages to government.

An Alumni Membership Card is available which provides opportunities for use of university facilities. Members receive the official publication of the Alumni Association, the Green & White , twice a year as well as other pertinent materials.

The Alumni Association contributes to many university initiatives and college specific scholarships, funds, trusts, chairs and endowments.

The Alumni & Development office is located in Room 223 Kirk Hall, 117 Science Place, Saskatoon SK S7N 5C8. For information visit the website www.usask.ca/alumni/ or contact the office, telephone: (306)966-5186, 1-800-699-1907, Fax: (306)966-5571, or email: alumni.office@usask.ca.

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