Results 1 - 10 of 77 Courses PRINT ALL 77 COURSES

Geological Sciences
Department of Geological Sciences, College of Arts and Science

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Results 1 - 10 of 77 Courses

Geological Sciences >

GEOL 108.3
The Earth and How It Works

Exploration of the global and local-scale physical processes that have shaped our planet. Strong emphasis is on interrelationships of geological processes and humans. Topics for discussion include volcanoes, earthquakes, pollution, and the origin and exploitation of energy, mineral and water resources.

Note: May be used toward the Natural Science requirement for Programs Type A, B, and D (B.A. programs). Students with credit for GEOL 103, 105, 110 or 121 may not take this course for credit.

GEOL 109.3
The Earth and Life through Time

A consideration of the evolution of our earth, from its origin to the present. Emphasis is placed on the evolution of life, and on the interpretation of the rock and fossil record. Special consideration is given to major events in the history of our planet and of animals and plants.

Note: May be used toward the Natural Science requirement for Programs Type A, B, and D (B.A. programs). Students with credit for GEOL 103, 105, 110 or 122 may not take this course for credit.

GEOL 121.3
Earth Processes

Follows the same lectures as GEOL 108. The laboratory component satisfies the requirements of students in Program Type C (B.Sc. programs). Students in the College of Education who wish to take a course in Earth Science and require a laboratory component are advised take this course.

Note: Students with credit for GEOL 103, 105, 108, 110 or GEOE 118 may not take this course for credit.

GEOL 122.3
Earth History

Follows the same lectures as GEOL 109. The laboratory component satisfies the requirements of students in Program Type C (B.Sc. programs). Students in the College of Education who wish to take a course in Earth Science and require a laboratory component are advised to take this course.

Note: Students with credit for GEOL 103, 105, 110 or 109 may not take this course for credit.

GEOL 206.3
Earth Systems
Prerequisite(s): One course from GEOL 121, 122, GEOG 120 (or 111 or 112), BIOL 108, 110, ARCH 112, CHEM 112, or PHYS 111, or permission of the department.

An introduction to Earth System Science, a concept that demonstrates the interrelationships between the Earth's landmasses, atmosphere, oceans and biosphere, and the role of humans in their interaction. Topics discussed will include geochemical cycles and environmental change, both natural and anthropogenic.

GEOL 224.3
Prerequisite(s): : GEOL 121; CHEM 112 or 114. Students with GEOG 120 (or 112) may take this course with permission of the department.

Crystalline materials and their properties; crystal chemistry and chemical equilibria in natural systems; mineral properties and classification, and particularly rock-forming mineral groups; mineral genesis.

Note: Students with credit for GEOL 221 may not take this course for credit.

GEOL 226.3
Introductory Petrology
Prerequisite(s): GEOL 224.

Provides the basics of optical mineralogy, with specific reference to mineral assemblages in igneous and metamorphic rocks. The classification, field relationships, textures, geochemistry, and tectonic setting of igneous and metamorphic rocks will be introduced.

Note: Students with credit for GEOL 225 may not take this course for credit.

GEOL 229.3
Introductory Geochemistry
Prerequisite(s): GEOL 121; MATH 110 (may be taken concurrently); CHEM 112. Students with GEOG 120 (or 112) may take this course with permission of the department.

An overview of geochemical theory and problem-solving techniques used by Earth Scientists to elucidate Earth system processes. Topics of discussion will include the origin of elements, stable and radiogenic isotopes, geochronology, thermodynamics, trace element partitioning in mineral fluid systems, weathering and aqueous geochemistry.

Note: Students with credit for GEOL 428 may not take this course for credit.

GEOL 245.3
Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks
Prerequisite(s): GEOL 121. Students with GEOG 120 (or 112) may take this course with permission of the department.

Provides a general introduction to sedimentary rocks, sedimentary processes, and the depositional environments in which these rocks form. Stratigraphic concepts are introduced with specific reference to the relationship between sedimentary rock units. Laboratories focus on the identification of sedimentary rocks and structures in hand specimen.

Note: Students with credit for GEOL 243 may not take this course for credit.

GEOL 247.3
Prerequisite(s): GEOL 245 (or 243).

Ancient life on earth will be explored via the principles and concepts of invertebrate paleontology, paleoecology, paleobiology and evolution. The basic morphology and systematics of the main fossil invertebrate groups will be covered in the laboratory session, when fossil specimens will be studied.

Note: Students with credit for GEOL 246 and 332 may not take this course for credit.

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