November is Movember

Movember is a global movement focused on raising awareness on men’s health issues.

By Telus Health

November is Movember time!

Movember is a global movement focused on raising awareness on men’s health issues. Throughout the month of November, this annual event promotes discussions around men’s physical and mental wellbeing. Movember encourages men to begin November clean shaven and grow mustaches during the month to spark conversations on important men’s health concerns, including:

  1. Prostate cancer: Prostate cancer is the most diagnosed and prevalent cancer in Canadian men, with 1 in 8 men being diagnosed in their lifetime.
  2. Testicular cancer: Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young Canadian men, with approximately 1 in 250 men facing the likelihood of developing this form of cancer.
  3. Mental health and suicide prevention: Men are less likely to seek help for mental health issues and are at a higher risk of suicide.

According to Movember, men are dying on average 5 years earlier than women. Movember strives to change this tendency by fostering a culture of openness and support.

How can you get involved?

  1. Grow a Mo: Encourage friends, family, and colleagues in join you in this symbolic gesture of growing a mustache.
  2. Support the cause: Make a donation or create a fundraising team. Every contribution helps in funding research, awareness programs, and support services.
  3. Educate yourself: Learn about the health challenges faced by men and the resources available to address them.
  4. Spread the message: Share information on Movember on social media and encourage others to get involved and prioritize their health.
  5. Participate or host an event: Engage in or organize an event at your workplace or community to raise awareness and funds for men’s health.

Men’s health is a critical but often overlooked issue. Movember provides a platform to address and tackle the challenges that men face in maintaining their physical and mental wellbeing.

Together, let’s work towards a future where men are proactive about their health, ensuring they lead healthier and happier lives.

For additional information on men’s health, please visit the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation. If you are worried about yourself or a loved one, reach out to the assistance program to access support and resources.

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